La Biosthetique Hair styling

To elevate an already flawless haircut, La Biosthetique offers three types of styling products, all created to help maintain and optimise the creations of extraordinary hair artists, and presented in three groups of different colours: dark grey, bronze and purple.

Base  (dark grey)

is designed to be used damp hair, after washing, as the foundation for beautiful hairstyles. Different consistencies such as cream, gel, spray or mousse prepare the hair for the subsequent styling such as blow-drying. 

Style (bronze)

is applied on damp or dry hair, the art of hairstyling is heightened. These products can be used to style dry hair with the hands after blow-drying, and are also suitable for men who want to easily style their hair while damp and let it air-dry. The focus is on texture, shine, control and shape. 

Finish  (violet)

is like an exclamation point finishing a perfect creation. This is the most glamorous part of the hairstyling service, to be used only on dry hair to either finish the look with a dry hairspray or a more luminous shine spray.

The foundation for beautiful hairstyles

Focus is on texture, shine, control and shape. 

Exclamation point to a perfect creation